Seattle Design Festival - Wake up to Low Waste

Seattle Design Festival - Wake up to Low Waste

On behalf of the newly launched Good Future Design Alliance Washington Chapter, Imani Hamilton, sustainable design consultant, will be hosting a coffee-fueled networking event and conversation with Seattle interior designer Brian Paquette and furniture manufacturer Dave Simon of Memo Furniture – on low-waste journeys, from small wins to sticky hurdles.

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Denver Design Week - Decarbonized Design: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Buildings and Products

Denver Design Week - Decarbonized Design: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Buildings and Products

Global warming calls for rapid decarbonization. To start, what is a carbon footprint? What are the drivers of carbon emissions? As a practitioner of low carbon design in products, buildings, and systems, Imani Hamilton will cover Decarbonized Design Principles that she has shared with her clients across the consumer goods and building industries. Attendees will leave with actionable principles and tools to reduce the carbon impact of their designs, manufacturing, and supply chains.

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Decarbonizing Cities: a Nordic – US Dialogue with focus on Buildings

Decarbonizing Cities: a Nordic – US Dialogue with focus on Buildings

What will it take to decarbonize buildings? Where is the current challenges with need for innovation? And where is there a need for Nordic - US collaboration?

To help answer these questions, we have invited three experts. The event will be moderated by Imani Hamilton, sustainable design consultant, who will start of with contextualizing "decarbonizing buildings" and lead us through the session where Panama Bartholomy, Director, Building Decarbonization Coalition and Enlai Hooi, Head of Innovation at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects - SHL, will share their insights and appraoch to decarbonization of buildings, including key technologies, newest trends, how to approach the transformation and discuss drivers for change, common challenges and future opportunities for cross-Atlantic co-operation.

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10 Strategies for a Low Waste, Low Carbon Building Project | Design Principles & Practices 2021 Conference
to Mar 5

10 Strategies for a Low Waste, Low Carbon Building Project | Design Principles & Practices 2021 Conference

From the Design Principles & Practices 2021 Conference: Towards a (Design) New Deal
The role of design in transitional times is ever more fluid. In order to foster social responsibility and respond to the complex challenges ahead, we need to establish a large social contract that responds to the real and looming, rather than often fabricated, upcoming crisis. Green policies and transnational collaboration—bridging actions instead of isolating mentalities—are on the top of the agenda. But in our current state of extreme dilemma, a larger question remains: what is the role of design in this movement of change?

In a Workshop Presentation, Imani Hamilton and Nancy Madynski will present 10 Strategies for a Low Waste, Low Carbon Building Project.

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Decarbonization for Homeowners | My House Tribe

Decarbonization for Homeowners | My House Tribe

This presentation by sustainable designer Imani of Imani Hamilton Design will demystify decarbonization for homeowners. The talk will cover the basics in how to build or renovate a home with a lower carbon footprint, or know how to move in that direction as you replace appliances and update spaces.

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Biofriendly Podcast: Environmental Choices

Biofriendly Podcast: Environmental Choices

On the Biofriendly Podcast, which aims to highlight the humor and optimism in the environmental crisis, Imani will be sharing nine Environmental Choices that we can form in our personal and professional lives to meet the goal that scientists have laid out for us: reduce total global emissions by 65% by 2030 to hold global warming to the 1.5* C limit, and prevent irreversible climate change.

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Sustainable Design Lecture | Deplastify the Planet with UC Berkeley + Schoolab

Sustainable Design Lecture | Deplastify the Planet with UC Berkeley + Schoolab

Imani's lecture on Sustainable Design will be presented to the UC Berkeley students and companies participating in Deplastify the Planet course in the fall of 2020, date pending. Deplastify the Planet is a project-based class offered jointly by Schoolab and the UC Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET). In this program, students work alongside global organizations with a single goal in mind – ‘deplastify’ the planet.

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How to Successfully Design + Build a Low Waste, Low Carbon Project | Good Future Design Alliance

How to Successfully Design + Build a Low Waste, Low Carbon Project | Good Future Design Alliance

We're sitting down with two incredible female green building pros - builder Nancy Madynski and sustainable design consultant Imani Hamilton - to discuss how to design and build low waste and low carbon homes. We'll dig into the context of waste and embodied carbon, and the relationship between them. Nancy and Imani will then share their top ten actionable strategies for any building project.

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Electrification 101 | Silicon Valley Clean Energy Contractor Electrification Trainings 

Electrification 101 | Silicon Valley Clean Energy Contractor Electrification Trainings 

Redwood Energy enlisted Imani to present the values of electrification as part of their contractor electrification training video series for Silicon Valley Clean Energy. Imani’s familiarity with this subject is derived from her work in zero carbon buildings, in which zero operational carbon essentially means full electrification.

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